Eco TourismTours

Welcome to Bunong Community  elephants at the Mondulkiri Ethnic Project

In April 2013 the Mondulkiri Ethnic Project signed an agreement with my Bunong indigenous elders from the Putang Village and the Community authorities.  This agreement to increase the elephant’s numbers and protected forest for elephant’s foods in a large area of pristine Community forest use near Sen Monorom.  The Community forest use borders the Sima Protected forest so there is a lot of wildlife, from birds, to deer, wild pigs, monkey and gibbons. There are many beautiful waterfalls, swimming holes, valleys… is a very special place.

Mr.Vanny( Bunong guide the project manager ), the Cambodian founder of the Mondulkiri Ethnic  Project, explains why the Mondulkiri Ethnic  Project is very important to them:

Protected the forest from logging in community forest uses and cultures

The Mondulkiri Ethnic Project is very important to me because I would really like to take care of the forest. It is difficult.

The local indigenous (Bunong community needs to have an income.  To make money they are cutting down the forest to sell the timber to Vietnam or to clear the forest to make small farms to grow rice.  As the population is growing, the need for more rice is also growing.  So more and more forest is being cut down.  I am really worried that before long all the forest in Mondulkiri Province will have been cut down.  The thought of losing this special jungle area makes me very sad.

 Our idea is to protect the forest so it can be used in ways that will still provide the communities with an income, without losing the jungle itself.  Providing jungle trek experience for tourists and developing traditional way to collect the wild foods, vegetable from the jungle will earn income for the Bunong indigenous people.  We will also be saving habitats for elephants and other endangered wildlife.  

 Supported the indigenous called (Bunong people) and preserving their culture

Life is very hard for the indigenous called ( Bunong people) of this area, and even harder for the older people.  They must keep doing hard laboring work even when they are old and sick to provide food and money for themselves and their families. In Europe and other rich countries, governments provide aged care housing and money for old people so that they do not have to work anymore. In Cambodia families try to look after all their relatives.  But the indigenous called ( Bunong people)  are so poor that the whole family struggles to survive.  Both young and old people have to work just to have foods.  Old people still have to farm the land, collect wild food and vegetable from the deep forest and sometimes walk more than 30 kilometers or more than, every day, just so that they do not starve.
The Mondulkiri Ethnic Project wants to improve the lives of the poor. The plan is to do this and to also preserve the special culture of the Bunong people.  This is under threat as Mondulkiri Province becomes more connected with the wider world.  The aim of the Project is to bring life to our indigenous called (Bunong people).  We plan to do this by developing housing, farming and (job opportunities) which will also preserve our culture and our beautiful jungle region.
The Mondulkiri Ethnic Project wants to encourage tourists to experience life in these indigenous communities through jungle trek and spending time with Bunong at our Bunong homestay at the village.  The Project will thus create jobs in the community and allow whole Bunong families to improve their living standards. We already have a small clearing of land near a river that has previously been cleared for farming.  We want Bunong people to use this land to grow food for them and for markets to earn extra money.  We plan to provide housing so that life is more comfortable for the Bunong families.  Families will be able to stay together and the older people will not have to work so hard.
The lady in the photo below is of a sick Bunong people from the Putang Village near Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri.  Meeting them inspired Mr.Vanny( Bunong guide the project manager ), to start the Mondulkiri Ethnic  Project to assist the older , children cannot going to school and Poor Bunong without parent.

 Elephant Breeding Project in community

When I was young we had 20 elephants in our village, but these days there are very few domestic elephants left in Putang village of Mondulkiri Province. There are few wild elephants left in the jungles, because of land clearing for rubber plantations and other uses.  A single elephant is owned by between 5 and 12 families so they are a valuable resource for the families and the whole community.

The Mondulkiri Ethnic Project aims to support some young elephants in the communities so that they can be part of a breeding program. The elephants will be very well cared for as they are part of the vision for a better life for all of the communities. Just as we hope to provide better living conditions for the older people through our project, we hope that our preserved forest will be a place where older elephants can have access to the natural foods and traditional medicines of the jungle. 
Thank you for reading about the Mondulkiri Ethnic Project.  I hope you will visit us soon. 
Mr.Vanny( Bunong guide the project manager )
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